Welcome to The Love Cure!
I’m Katherine and I believe that every person is important and has a voice to be heard. The stories we align ourselves with determine our perceptions of ourselves, our situations, and others. The richer the story, the more useful tools it has to offer us on our journey. The beauty of a story is its fluidity. It is always changing, evolving, and transforming along with the characters it holds. Adding Love to any story can only increase the potential for healing, growth and harmony - and ultimately get us closer to our authentic selves (our unique songs).
I’m honored to witness every story and offer all the tools I have to help increase the LOVE you experience through helping you connect with yourself, others, and most importantly…
Connect with your unique and healing voice…Your Song!
Your Song is important. Your Song is beautiful. Sing your song!

Contact me to schedule your session!
… through Consciousness
I practice the Human Givens Approach to emotional wellness and clear thinking. This is brief, effective, talk therapy with a twist! Working with natural brain mechanisms, we can work together to shift your consciousness and help you create a life that meets your needs!!!
…through Energy Harmonizing
Energy Harmonizing sessions use various tools (including voice and BioGeometry) to help you find and create harmony and balance within any energetic system: you, your kids, partners, teams, pets, families or communities!!! This is also useful to harmonize us with our homes, work spaces, and land!

Projects I'd love to share!
My next book is out!!
This book is a collection of eight articles I have written over the past 15 months. Seven of the eight were published digitally in the Brainz Magazine; while the last one is first published here in this text. It is the capstone of this book as well as of my most recent cycle of transformation.
Children’s Wellness Book
This book was written during a particularly difficult point in human history. We’ve just had a pandemic that caused extreme isolation resulting in people not getting their emotional and physical needs met. We are more separated than we have ever been. And even expressing ourselves is more and more challenging each day. My hope with this book is to help share perspectives to help people, especially children, learn how to understand their own needs and get them met in healthy and constructive ways.
A book of poems
This is a book of poetry with a purpose! My intention for you in experiencing these expressions of energy through my lens of poetic words is that you may PLAY! Throughout my journey, all my trials and tribulations, my path of self-discovery has led me to the understandings described in this book. These are the guidelines I strive to live my life by, every day. And I am honored to have the opportunity to share them with you here. These ideas are not new, but are indeed my version of them through the lens of my personal experience. May you take with you the words that resonate, and leave any that do not.
Conversation with the Universe
I am so honored to announce the release of my first book, The Love Cure, where I explore the many facets, expressions and vibrations of Love - the ultimate healing energy. Here I share the last leg of my 10 year healing journey after a brutal sexual assault, years of PTSD, finding my self again, and now… my greatest honor… sharing the tools, wisdom and information that helped me heal with all of you!
My first album is available!!!
This album is an experiment in expression. The layered voice encourages the brain to relax and allow the healing vibrations into your system with ease. This album tracks my journey of connecting with and expressing my emotions with my voice to move, unblock, amplify and heal energies within my system. My hope is that these tracks help you heal parts of you that may resonate with these vibrations!
Now on Insight Timer!
I am now publishing all of my music and guided meditations on Insight Timer so that you can listen and share for FREE! I am so honored to be able to share the messages and vibrations with everyone on this wonderful platform! Listen as much as you like!
(click on the image to go directly to Insight Timer to check it out!!!)