Personalized Guided Meditations
The New Moon Intention Meditation found below, is a healing personalized guided meditation that I created for myself. It includes healing energy which is specifically attuned to my energy system - while anyone who listens to it will benefit from its healing energy, I will benefit the most since it is specifically attuned to my system. Please take a moment and experience this meditation for yourself to get an idea of what you would receive. This was my intention. Your meditation will include YOUR personal intention along with an energy correction for YOUR personal energy system! I hope you enjoy!
The story of how these personalized guided meditations came to be…
One morning there was a super new moon in the sign of Virgo! I am no astrologer, but I have always been fascinated and intrigued by the sky and everything it holds. One of my favorite things to do is to hear about what is going on in the sky astrologically speaking and see if I can find any parallels in my own life. Undoubtedly, every time I look, I find lots of parallels! It always boggles my mind how the planets moving around in the sky can tell anyone about something happening in my life!
The energy leading up to this new moon was particularly strong for me, so I decided to look up some information about it - turned out it was a SUPER new moon! Which made complete sense to me. The super just means that the moon is unusually close to the earth at the time of the new moon - so the energy from the moon is particularly strong for us here on Earth! (and particularly good energy for setting new intentions for new beginnings!) I decided to take this opportunity to do some personal healing. As a wellness practitioner, sometimes I forget to harmonize the energy in my own system!
As I was looking into my energy system on this particular morning in preparation of the new moon, I decided to record my intention as well as some vocal tones that came through to support this intention and healing energy I was pumping into my system. I typically create an audio recording of the harmonizing energy I create for my clients, but I had never done it for myself! Once I started recording, it turned out to be a lot longer and more in depth than I intended! So I put it together with the tones and made myself a little SUPER new moon guided meditation!
I now use this meditation often and has become an important part of my self-care toolbox! This meditation holds not only my conscious intention, but also the specific corrective, harmonizing, and healing energy that my system needs to support that intention in my body and my life! The layered tones in the background serve several purposes:
They bring in their own vibrations and frequency of healing energy to support your personal healing.
They distract your ‘thinking brain’ from over-focusing on the words of your intention, allowing the healing vibrations and intentions in to your system, (and subconscious mind) with more ease. Since the brain can’t focus on all the layers at once, it reaches a point where it gives up - which allows it to relax a bit more, making it more receptive.
Through resonance, they can help you access emotions that you either want to release from your system, or amplify in your system! (Has music ever evoked a strong emotion in you? This is why!)
I am so honored to offer these healing personalized guided meditations to anyone who wishes to experience a new type of holistic healing - helping YOU heal You!
You are your own Love Cure!