Wellness Offering
Discover what moves your system into balance and how you can utilize those “healing languages” to find and maintain harmony. Together, we can explore any blocks, stuck emotional patterns, thoughts, or energy that exist within you and move them into balance. Through the use of the Human Givens Approach below (working with consciousness), Energy Harmonizing (centering your vibration), Grounding (connecting with the Earth), and Sound and Voice (moving and shifting energy within your system), you can find your way back to yourself…
The Human Givens Approach is a set of organizing ideas that provide a holistic, scientific framework for understanding the way that human beings and society work. This framework encompasses the latest scientific understandings from neurobiology and psychology, as well as ancient wisdom and new insights gleaned from original research.
At its core is a highly empowering idea – that human beings, like all organic beings, come into this world with a set of physical and emotional needs. If those needs are met appropriately and in balance, it is not possible to be mentally ill. It is just not possible. I use the Human Givens Approach to help guide and empower you to meet your needs in healthy and balanced ways!
Energy Harmonizing sessions use various tools to help you find and create harmony in your system. I use Sound and Voice – to move energy, BioGeometry tools – to map the energy system and strategically offer it harmonizing corrections, and Earth vibrations (such as stones, wood, shells, etc.) – vibrations used to balance and harmonize your energy system.
Energy harmonizing practices can be applied to any energy system, and energy systems exist on many scales. You are an energy system, your organs are each energy systems, your cells are each energy systems, all the way down to each energetic fiber that makes up your being! It also works in the other direction… relationships are energy systems, families are energy systems, communities, etc., are all energy systems!
Contact me if this interests you!
In my Energy Harmonizing sessions, you will receive an audio file with your personal healing and harmonizing energy for you to use as a tool after the session is over - this is the starting point for creating your personalized guided meditations! These meditations provide an intention of your choosing along with layers of healing tones channeled to support your particular energy system (if you choose). The intention of these is to help align the healing of your energy system with your conscious thoughts - making the healing potential even more potent!
Contact me if this interests you!