My Approach
“The root of all pain, discomfort and disease is the perception of separation. All effective healing is ultimately a reuniting with one’s Self. Discovering, accepting, and loving aspects of ourselves that were blocked off. The blocks are good and necessary. Without the experience of being or feeling separate, we wouldn't know the experience of being whole. The blocks can be a beautiful part of the journey. Love the blocks, for you are the one who put them there.
“When a system is ready to heal, or integrate back with itself to experience the perception of being whole again, the healing can begin.”
~ The Universe
If you are at a point of your life where it is difficult to see or experience Love, this message could be a difficult one to hear. If I had heard this message from anyone ten years ago I might have been annoyed. Now, looking back on my life, I see that these words are true.
The past twelve years of my life have presented me with intense opportunities to heal – from brutal sexual attack, to PTSD, to depression and grief, to spiritual crisis (although I didn’t call it that at the time). On my path back to myself, I have discovered and utilized many tools, taken many journeys, and experienced many types of reintegration. Each day I discover, acknowledge, and attempt to embrace more of myself. As you probably know, healing is a process – one that I have learned to embrace and even LOVE. Even through the darkest moments, although challenging, I have found that reuniting with more of my true self is ALWAYS worth the work.
All effective healing processes work because they allow you to see and experience more of yourself, in new ways. The language and technique doesn't matter. Generally, the language in the closest match to how you speak, think, and understand will be most effective for you because it is most easily integrated into your system. It speaks the same ‘language’ as your system. This is why there are many languages of healing in the world. No one path works for everyone.
I am deeply honored to share the information that I have learned with you and provide insights as you discover your path back to yourself. Only you can heal you. The term ‘heal’ connotes that there is something to heal, and could be interpreted as meaning that there is something ‘wrong’ with the way you are and the experiences you are having. This could not be further from the truth. There is NOTHING wrong with you or your experience. YOU ARE NOT BROKEN. There is only Love – even if it is difficult to see from where you stand today. “Healing” is a perspective and experience of opening up to your Self. It is a word that I choose to use here because there is a fairly universal agreement of what it means.
Here are the tools I can use to help you find a combination of ‘healing languages’ that works for you. These four perspectives, or poles of experiential integration, offer a framework for understanding your own, individual healing path; what YOU need to find balance and harmony within your own system. These four poles provide four specific languages with which to describe and understand your path, if it resonates with you to do so.
1. Human Givens Approach – Working with consciousness.
2. Energy Harmonizing – Centering your Vibration.
3. Sound and Voice – Moving and Shifting.
4. Grounding - Connecting with the Earth.