The Love Cure Manifesto
The following manifesto emerged on January 16th, 2020 when I asked my higher self these questions:
1. Why am I here?
2. What am I afraid of?
3. How do I want to accomplish what I came here to do?
The text below is the result of asking myself these questions… a conversation between human me and my higher self… and this is why The LOVE Cure was born!
HUMAN ME: Dear Self, why am I here? Why did I come here this time around?
HIGHER SELF ME: To Love. To see yourself truly as you are, only Love. To remember that which you have agreed to forget. The most important thing you will ever remember. That Love is Everything. Your table is made of pure love. The traffic jam and slippery brick sidewalk, both pure love. When you forget this so completely as most humans have, each glimpse of sparkle past the veil seems like Magic! Because, of course, it is. Love is magical. Love is the most powerful of universal forces. Love is that which binds all things, all thoughts, all emotions, all actions, all time and space. Love is connection – the knowing that we are connected. We all experience this, on all levels. Molecules, photons, cells, organs, humans, animals, trees, Gaia, universe and galaxy… different scales of conscious Love. All have chosen to hide something from themselves when they decided to individuate. Each choosing something slightly different to mask, all with the common goal of rediscovering that which was hidden… intentionally… from Self. So why have YOU come, specifically. What have YOU to remember through this journey? Well, what are you most afraid of?
HUMAN ME: Well, I am afraid of hurting people. I am afraid of being seen, because if I’m seen and rejected, I fear I won’t experience Love anymore. That somehow all the Love will be sucked out of my life. I am afraid of being feared, for the same reason. That feels familiar, like I have been feared before. Feared for being open and honest about who I am and what I know. I also fear deeply NOT doing what I came here to do I came here to remember the magic and help as many as I can remember the magic too.
HIGHER SELF ME: Magic is Love and everything is Love. The magic of love existing in every moment, in everything, every interaction, and every experience. Humans who chose to be alive now have collectively decided to veil personal power, we are rediscovering this together now. The power of each person, individually and the power of the universal law of Love that binds it all together. Many (infinite) truths – all true – connected by an infinite ocean of Love. Embracing all the truths. Equally. None more true than any other. The wisdom of ‘enlightenment’ is embodying that level of Love. Devoid of Judgement. Understanding that every perspective is true. That every voice is valuable.
Why have you come? To experience your remembering and to help others on their journey to remember. Learning and sharing together. Your greatest tools and allies are the very things you fear most. You fear ‘hurting’ people, and speaking your truth to fully honor yourself is something that (as an empath) can feel like hurting others. It can also induce fear in others. Your biggest tool is TRUTH EXPRESSION. Express your truth with your voice! By singing, by speaking and communicating with individuals and groups. By doing all the things that express your truth in the most FUN and PLAYFUL ways you can. Dancing, moving, art, acting, singing, noise making, and anything else you can dream up!
Laughter can balance ANY FEAR. Please pay attention to this point. Laughter activates the resonance of Love. True laughter, from the heart, resonates with the Love that makes up all things. When 2 beings share a heart laugh together, in that moment they can only feel love and connection for each other. They cannot fear the other. It offers true connection. When you combine truth expression with heart laughter, there is powerful healing (remembering) potential. Now, there are many languages of truth expression and you know many. Consciousness, through Human Givens, energy harmonizing, science and physics, emotional, experiential. Each a different language through which to EXPRESS truth.
HUMAN ME: I want to express and discover all the truths I can hold in all the ways I can! I want to help guide other humans to do the same. Through individual co-work and group experiences, all centered around connection.
HIGHER SELF ME: Which is Love. Connection to self. Connection to others. Connection to the Earth, the galaxy, the universe. Help people remember, experience, and express the universal Law of Love (Magic) through expression of truth, and honoring of all truths.